Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Gocco Coasters

After seeing a post on about gocco'd coasters, I knew I had to give this a try.

Once again, I had knottie Kendra Rose design the words "Eat, Drink & be Married" as a 4"x4" design that can be used both for a round and square coaster.

Here is the design that will work best with the gocco:

Here is the finished product on a coaster:

I have a gocco tutorial coming in a later post! Until then, if you have any questions, leave a comment!

1 comment:

Ms. Bean said...

Those look great! I'm seriously mad at you for introducing me to both weddingbee and the gocco. I may have to fly you down here for a tutorial (I'm scared to take it out of the box).